Monday, January 05, 2009

Ok, so maybe 24 hours after I posted that I was giving up on finding a Wii Fit, I bought one.  The Walmart by us had two in stock.  (I’ve been told since that I should have bought both and sold one on Ebay).  So, Wii have a Fit.


My husband and I have both worked out on it almost every day for the last week.  Char is a fan of the balance games.  Trystan likes the running.  Really, when I said that he wanted a Wii remote of his own to play the games with, I wasn’t kidding.  He totally gets what’s going on.  So, on the Fit, we set Charlotte up a profile, give Trystan controller 2, and send them off on the 2-player run.  They jog all over the first floor of our house, from the front door, through the living room, figure eight around the kitchen table and island, and repeat.  They did the 9-minute run twice in a row last night, giggling the entire way.  BTW, those remotes communicate just fine with the ~40 foot radius from the TV to the far reaches of their route.


I think Trystan will also be a pro at boxing once he’s given the chance.  Charlotte spent took a couple of turns in the ring with her friend G last week (both of them trash-talking the whole time!), and Trystan insisted on playing also.  We gave him the third remote with nunchuck (turned off), and he went to town next to his big sister.  Maybe next time we’ll actually let the two of them box it out for real.


In the mean time, we might be willing to rent our little T-rex out as a personal trainer.  My husband tried to do some yoga and strength exercises after dinner last night, and Trystan helped push him to work harder.  During the plank, Trystan climbed on his daddy’s back, pony-style.  He loved the pushups (he laid down on my husband’s back, and tucked his chin onto his hands so he could both lounge and watch the TV at the same time).  He also did his own version of the torso twists (arms out!).  My poor husband didn’t get any credit with the Fit for having an extra 24 pounds of wiggly resistance—he scored extremely low on every exercise that Trystan helped with.



1 comment:

flatflo said...

I think pictures are called for!