Monday, December 14, 2009

11 days

The Christmas tree is up. The dining room table looks like a dining room table and not an oversized junk drawer. The carpets have been vacuumed. It was a productive weekend.

I hope that the crazy-busy part of our holiday season is over. After a week-long vacation, followed by an additional weekend away, then a dance recital and a grownup holiday party and a school Christmas program, I feel like the rest of the lead-up to New Years is smooth sailing. Maybe that’s because I don’t yet know what all is going on over the next two weeks.

Maybe I’m speaking too soon, since I have cookies and a pie to make before our office Christmas party tomorrow, and Char’s classroom Christmas party to attend on Thursday. And we have 50 cards to address and mail. And buy stamps for. And do any of those 50 people really want a letter? Or will a nice photo card do?

But after all that’s done, what is left? Char wants to go see Santa Claus, so I guess a trip to the mall is in store. And Christmas shopping? Well, we’re in better shape than most years. It’s just that for some reason, I see toys everywhere that would be perfect for Trystan. And I have no idea what to get Charlotte. I’m sure she’ll give Santa some good ideas, though. Instead of selling overpriced photos with the man in red, they should sell soundbytes of the kids’ conversations.

Anyway, I think that I should be a lot less hurried the next two weeks than I felt the last two. I don’t know why, since my to-do list seems as long as ever. Maybe waking up to a glowing Christmas tree helps (I love light timers…ours is set to turn on in the evenings, and come back on at 6 in the morning to cheer us at breakfast).

What about you? Will you be sliding into Christmas Day or coasting?

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Holy crap, it's only 11 days? Uh, definitely not coasting. Sort of caught up on presents, haven't even thought about cards yet. Well, thought about them and that's about it. Still have to figure out what to get in-laws and get it in the mail soon so it MIGHT get there by Christmas. This season is bad news, and we don't even have kids. I'm starting to wonder how people with kids survive.