Thursday, February 09, 2006

Plague and Pestilence

If you have a weak immune system, then my daughter's daycare is NOT the place for you in February. At last count there were like 7 kids with communicable diseases just among the under-2 crowd. The kiddos are sharing strep, roto-virus (a nasty stomach bug), pneumonia and RSV at the moment. My own daughter is one of the strep throat patients, and hopefully the antibiotics we're using to treat it are helping her to fight off other ailments. I don't believe there have been any babies under age 1 in attendance all week this week. I remember last year right at this time, they were also fighting at least RSV and rotovirus, because Charlotte was out for a week with RSV, and another baby had been hospitalized with dehydration. In a place where every kid takes turns sucking on the same toys every day, it's a wonder they ever have healthy kids at all.

Makes you want to don a mask and latex gloves before entering the place, doesn't it?

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