Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The end is in sight...

I got a call yesterday from the repair center that is fixing the hail damage on my car. They have had it for over 3 weeks now (4 Mondays). Apparently it was waiting for the windows to be put back in, but it should be ready some time today!. They were replacing the hood, the top of the car, the trunk lid, pounding out a million dents along the whole passenger side, and painting nearly the whole car. It is just in time, too--today the 3 of us didn't leave the house till after 8am. Tomorrow I have to be at work before 8am. Boy am I glad I don't have to fight that one with an unpredictable toddler!


Amanda said...

If all else had failed you could ride with my hubby. He's been leaving early. Glad to hear your car is coming back. Freedom!

Jay Noel said...

I don't understand why they just didn't deem the car a total loss. My Lord, that's a lot of work.

BriteLady said...

Had my car been older, it probably would have been a total loss. If you feel like looking up the blue book value, it's a 2003 Accord EX with about 30k miles....

Several people I worked with (same parking lot hail storm) did have their cars totaled. I'm actually quite glad mine wasn't since you don't get the same kind of insurance coverage on a "totaled" car, and I intend to drive this one for a long time.