Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Feeling a Little Green

For the record, I am not Irish. In the tradition of the American Melting Pot, I claim a little of many things: lots of German, some Russian, a Welsh name, a touch of Asian (Chinese maybe? my great-grandmother was an orphan, so no one knows for sure), and a descendant who arrived on the Mayflower. My kids can wear their bonnie green and say "Top of the Morning" every St. Patricks Day--they inherited a great deal of Irish from their father. I just celebrate that day as my "birthday eve".

I'm lucky, though. Always have been. I don't win anything big. Just lots and lots of little things. I've been struck by lightening. Indirectly, as I was indoors with my foot on a floor register at the time--that strike took out our air conditioner. It was still under warranty, so it was replaced for free by the manufacturer. I did win the lottery once--$7 for choosing like 3 of the 6 correct numbers. I play maybe once or twice a year. Recently my luck has been in books. I've won two paperbacks from author's blogs--Nerds Like it Hot by Vicki Lewis Thompson from Robin Bielman's blog, and At Risk by Alison Kent, signed from the author herself. Last night, I got a call from the St. Louis County Library. I won a movie gift certificate in a drawing from their spring Adult Reading Club. The librarian was almost as tickled as I was that I won something. All this winning is great--I'm getting free stuff for doing what I like to do anyway--read books.

If only I could somehow channel that lightening into a lottery ticket or one of HGTV's Dream Homes... For now, I get to browse movie showtimes.

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